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XairRacer is an aircraft racer game made with Blender and the program language Python by IzE_Design. The game have 2 type of game: ONLINE for challenge with friends on Network and the OFFLINE for the training the fly and the moviment of the plane. You can Chose 9 different planes in 3 category: Old Prop, Modern Prop and Jet; and 3 different scenary.

In that game you must arrive in the end of circuit make with the normal Ring Ceckpoint in the less Time. The circuit Extend in the all surface of the scenary and there are some difficult passage, same bridge or hangar.

When you start the game you see a short introduction (For skip it press SPACE) and you arrive in the main menu with 3 items:

 - FREE FLY: is the Offline mode for the training, chose with arrow key the plane and the scenary with and where you want fly, you have an infinite lap and when you have finish press ESC.

 - MULTIPLAYER: is the Online mode for challeng your frinds on the Network. Work on LAN Network(Local) and WAN Network(Internet). Inser your nick name in 3 char and the IpAddress of the server, chose the plane that you want use and enter in the race. When you are into the game wait that all your friens was connect (You can see the list of player connected in the right of screen) and press F3 to Start the Race, If you press F3 before all player connection, you can start without wait they.

 - EXIT: for exit to the game!

The Server: I recommended to start the server in a computer that dont use for the game, because the server use a lot of resource of the computer and the game can work not good. I have see one problem in WAN Network, if you start Server in a PC connected with a router is possible that the player dont see the Server for FireWall of the BLocking Port (The used port is from 7000 to 8000 TCP and UDP type), i counsel to start the server on a Pc that are connected to the internet with a normal Modem. In the Lan network i havent see problem.

Start the server and insert the name, insert the number of map "1" Country, "2" Mountain and "3" Canyon. and insert the number of lap, min 1... dont insert a lot of lap, one lap can during some minut, normal is 3 lap.

The Server have a max of 6 player and dont have disconnection, when you have finish the race you must restart the server.

The Keyboard configuration:

Keys "Arrow": for the normal Rotation.
Keys "W" and "S": for Increase and Decrease the Power.
Keys "A" and "D": for the horizzontal Rotation.
Key "H": for Horn.
Key "F3": For Ready and start the Race.
Key "ESC": for Exit.

You can Download it FREE in Windows and Linux Version.

Last Edit 15/12/2007 - "info(at)izedesign.it" - CopyRight IzE_Design 2007/2008